Yup, I said it. We need more 'politics' in America.
According to the
Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (I don't want to pay for the official OED subscription online) 'politics' is "The activities involved in getting and using power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that affect a country or a society." I actually prefer
Wikipedia's definition. It offers the Greek translation of politics,
politikos, as "of, for, or relating to citizens" while giving us a more modern and broader definition of "The practice and theory of influencing other people."
"Politics" as a whole has a very bad reputation. We cringe even at the mention of the word. We know not to discuss it at parties, and we are disgusted at the thought of the "politicians" who make "politics." However, I would argue that if there were more actual politics, we might not hate the word so much.
"Go lie with a goat! Forthwith!" |