Thursday, September 10, 2015

My Favorite Stories from the 2015 Disneyland Half-Marathon

This past weekend I had the privilege of volunteering as a SAG cyclist for the Disneyland 10K and Half-Marathon. I'd volunteered in other events throughout my life, but I have never enjoyed the work nearly as much as this. I was on a bike, but biking isn't necessarily the point. It's only a means in which to do the job. Before I get to the stories, you should probably know what that job is.

The SAG Cycle Team in all our glory.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Let's Put the 'Politics' Back Into Politics

Yup, I said it. We need more 'politics' in America.

According to the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary (I don't want to pay for the official OED subscription online) 'politics' is "The activities involved in getting and using power in public life, and being able to influence decisions that affect a country or a society." I actually prefer Wikipedia's definition. It offers the Greek translation of politics, politikos, as "of, for, or relating to citizens" while giving us a more modern and broader definition of "The practice and theory of influencing other people."

"Politics" as a whole has a very bad reputation. We cringe even at the mention of the word. We know not to discuss it at parties, and we are disgusted at the thought of the "politicians" who make "politics." However, I would argue that if there were more actual politics, we might not hate the word so much.
The Declaration of Independence of the United States by Armand-Dumaresq
"Go lie with a goat! Forthwith!"

Friday, August 28, 2015

What a Wonderful August

The world is not an ugly place. It's beautiful and full of inspiring people who do amazing things. We all know they're out there, but it's a shame we don't hear about them more often. This week was a difficult one, as horrible news hit us from all over. But you know what? There's plenty of good that happens. You've heard about the Americans and the Brit who disarmed the would-be terrorist on the train in France?
But do they have to all be so dang handsome? So unfair!

We need more of this. More to hope for. More to live for. Let's be further reminded that our world isn't as bad as we sometimes feel.

Friday, August 14, 2015

10 Songs You Wouldn't Think I Own (That I Own)

 What I do now, I do in service of my country.

This will be one of the most difficult things I've ever posted. Why? Because I'm cool. I'm so cool, I make this guy look like your younger brother who is gross and wants to go into your room while your friends are over:

I'd post my picture, but this one would cramp its style.

Because I want to feel closer to you, my friends, I need to make a connection and somehow make you feel like we are equals. Or maybe we all just need to laugh at something right now. Anything! If it's me, then so be it. My gift to you is this post revealing some music that, in all honesty, surprises even me to be in my collection. I want you to know how difficult this is for me to do, mainly because there's nothing cool about these songs.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Open Letter to Oreo

Hi Oreo. Your friend John here. I see you've been doing very well, and I'm happy for you! You've got all kinds of different flavors these days. I've seen you in peanut butter, mint, and party flavors. I've even seen you BRAZENLY add a cookies 'n cream Oreo! I mean, you DO realize that whenever we get cookies 'n cream in anything, YOU are the "cookies" part, right? Who but you would even attempt such delicious over-the-top narcissism? 

Small-picture thinkers see Oreo Blizzard Oreos. Big-picture thinkers see ingredients for Oreo Blizzard Oreo Blizzards!

Monday, June 22, 2015

Too Old to be Young

I'm not sure what "spring chickens" are, but they don't sound like anything that would describe me.

I find it humorous when people tell me things like, "You're still young," and "Back when I was your age," and "You look like a young George Clooney**."

Wait, is this what they mean?

In fact, many of the people I hear this stuff from aren't much older than I am now. I am surrounded by friends of different generations, and the age gaps don't always occur to me. Nor should they. Once you settle into any environment, you become a part of the larger picture, and that's how I usually see myself. But every once in a while I get a comment about my apparent youth, and it doesn't make me feel young. Quite the opposite, if only because I begin thinking about it at all.

Saguaro Beach

The Saguaro is a friendly cactus who waves to everyone he sees. He spends most of his time relaxed on the beach, totally in-sync with the cool breezes and calming waves. There are times when he's riled up and shows his spines, but normally he's very chill and just wants to say hello. All you see here is written during those moods and all in-between.